Light Railway Research Society of Australia Inc

The Innisfail Tramway


Accidents 24, 61, 94, 95, 106

Aboriginals 15

Adelaide Steamship Co 43, 44, 57

Anderson, H. 92, 94

Aramac Shire Council 88

Aust.Narrow.Gauge Railway Museum Society 89

Australian Sugar Co. 29, 41

Australian Sugar Museum 40

Babinda Creek (mill) 45

Bamboo Creek 19, 31, 51, 55, 59, 60

Bamboo Angle 55, 59, 92

Bananas 13, 21, 37,39,43

Barges 13

Bashford, George 27

Basilisk hill 25, 35, 63,112, 45, 63, 112

Basilisk Range 11, 45

Beatrice River 15, 17

Berner Creek 21, 24, 33, 49

Blackbirding 12

Bogies -

Boogan 41, 53

Brake Vans (see "Vans")

Brakes -

Brassey, Lady 28

Bridges -

Butchers, White & Co. 31, 73

Brittain, Charles 29

Bundaberg Sugar Co. 29

Burgdorf, Harrry 43

Cains 16, 23, 42, 49, 51

Cali, Guiseppe ("Joe") 57, 59, 95

Callendar W.J. 17, 19, 45

Callendar's Camp 17, 20

Cane trucks 47, 95

Cardwell 11, 51, 112

Carriages (see "Coaches")

Central Sugar Mills, Comptroller of 45

Chalk, Sir Gordon 96

Chamber of Commerce 53

Charles Street 53

Chatchappa 35

Chief Mechanical Engineer 81

Chinese (residents) 12, 13, 14, 27, 37, 43, 56

Chinese markets 39

Clyde (see "Locomotives")

Coaches -

Collisions 24, 61

Colonial Sugar Refining Co.(see also "CSR Limited") 12, 23, 27, 42, 53, 75

Commissioner for Railways - 19, 20, 24, 25, 35, 49, 65, 95, 107, 112

Commonwealth Engineering (ComEng) (see "Locomotives")

Comoon 23, 26, 34, 39, 42, 61, 63, 94, 108

Coorumba 33, 102

Couplings 45, 47, 73, 96, 98

Cowley 41

CSR Limited (see also "Colonial Sugar Refining Co.") 39, 106

CSR Siding 31

Currajah 11, 13, 31, 42, 43, 63, 102, 108

Cyclone -

Dalgety & Co. 29

Daradgee 42, 43, 45, 51, 53, 56

Davidson, John Ewen 12

Drawgear (see "Couplings")

Decauville 39

Department of Agriculture 45

Derailments 94, 112

Dickson, Roy (Chairman) 109

Dieselisation 95

Drysdale, John 45

Engineering Supply Co. of Aust. 76, 80

Esplanade 21, 23, 31, 55

Expenses 105

Ferry 53

Fishers Creek 21, 23, 33, 102

Fitzgerald, F. H. 24

Fitzgerald, T.H. (see "Pioneers")

Flashing lights. 102, 106

Fletcher, Geo & Co. 45

Flying Fish Point 11, 13, 23, 43

Fowler, John & Co. 28, 75

(see also "Locomotives")

Frost, W.A. 44

Garradunga 42, 43, 53, 80

Gauge conversion 51, 53

Geraldton 12, 13, 14, 23, 39

Geraldton Tramway 23, 26, 31, 37, 49

Geraldton Tramway Board 47

Geraldton Tramway Staff

Gibson, Angus and James 29, 41

Goods & Services (see "Traffic")

Goondi mill and plantation 12, 13, 18, 37, 39, 42, 43, 53, 95, 111

Gibson & Howes 29

Grass mower 108

Groom, Spencer (Editor) 89

Grade reduction 63

Granowski, O.(dealer) 19

Hall, Kel (Draftsman) 93

Harbour Junction 31, 34, 61, 102, 108

Harbours & Marine Dept. 65

Herberton 15, 16, 53, 80

Hoppers (see "Wagons")

Hinch, Jacob (ferryman) 53

Hopetoun, Lord 28

Howard Smith & Co. 29, 42, 43

Howard Smith Industries 107,108

Hunt, Charles S. (Draftsman) 71

Indian (residents) 14, 56

Innisfail -

Innisfail Tramway Staff -

Innishowen 23, 37, 39, 42

Interchange traffic (see "Traffic")

Ipswich Workshops 45, 74, 88

Irvinebank Mining Co. 80

Italian (residents) 14

Japanese 56

Japoon Sawmills 44

Japoon Tramway Act 1916 44

Jarvisfield (mill) 45

Javanese 14

Johnstone River Divisional Board 13, 16, 20

Johnstone River Divisional Board Staff -

Johnstone River, North & South - 11, 12, 16, 19, 37, 39, 42, 51, 53

Johnstone River Transport Co. 95

Johnstone Shire Council 14, 24, 47, 63, 65, 89

Junks 13

Kalbo 20, 25, 33, 63, 102

Kanakas 12, 14, 19, 23, 28, 39

Karra Karra 35

Keepit 35

Kippen, Vi. (Member) 105

Koppel, Arthur 71

Korabine 35

Krauss (see "Locomotives")

Level crossings 102, 106

Loads (see "Locomotive loads")

Little Beatrice River 53

Liverpool Creek 23, 26, 28, 40, 45, 46

Liverpool Creek line 23, 41

Locomotive -

Locomotive Classes -

Locomotives -

Maadi-Maria Creek 40

Macrossan John Hon. 15

Main Camp 53, 55

Malayans 14, 56

Malcolm Moore ( see "Rail Tractors")

Mallacan 32

Maria Creek 37, 94

Markwick, Arthur John 27, 43

Markwick & McDonald 43

McDonald, George Stopani 20, 43

McRobbie's Siding 31

Molasses 43

Monk G.W.(surveyor) 16

Mookurraba 33

Moresby, John, Captain 11

Mourilyan -

Mundoo 42

Museum, Aust. Sugar 40

Nash, Gulland and Smellie 13, 27, 40

Nerada 21,34,43,49, 105, 108

North Coast Line 39, 42, 43, 46, 49, 51, 53, 63, 91, 93, 112

North Coast Railway Act 24, 25

North Johnstone River (see "Johnstone River")

Officer in Charge 51, 65, 75, 91, 113

O'Quinn, James 12

Pacific islanders 23, 37

Parcels (see "Traffic")

Passenger services (see "Traffic")

Phillips, George, C.E. 16, 18, 19, 28

Picnics, rail 23, 41, 43, 111

Pin Gin Hill 31, 33

Pioneers -


Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade 93

Queensland bridge (see Bridges")

Queensland Country Womens' Association 55

Queensland Machinery Co 74.

Queensland Sugar Co. 39

Queensland Timber Mills 61

Rail Ambulance 93, 94

Rail Motors 85

Rail Tractors -

Railway Mines & Equipment 86

Radios, two-way 92, 96, 106

Rankin Street 53, 55, 59, 93

Regrading 63

Relaying 46, 59, 63, 106

Robson, Fred 25, 49, 91

Rollingstock (see "Coaches" and "Wagons")

Ross & Laverton (contractors) 27

Royal Commissions -

Safeworking 63, 92, 94, 95, 96 102, 106

Sale 105, 107

Sampans 13

Sawmills -

Scheu's Fork 31

Ships and Shipping -

Sidings 61, 63

Signals -

Silkwood 45, 111

Simplex (see "Rail Tractors")

Sleepers -

Smellie, Robert 65

Smellie & Gulland 28

South Bank 53

South Innisfail 31, 59

South Johnstone -

Speeds 75, 86, 87, 103

Staff, Queensland Railways - 85, 86, 89

Sugar boxes 43, 67, 95

Sugar Mills -

Sugar Works Act 1911 45

Sugar Works Guarantee Acts 1893-95 45

Sugar, bulk handling 65, 95

Sundown 23, 42, 43

Takeovers 96

Tate & Lyle 29

Timetables 51, 52

Townsville Workshops 83, 91

Townsville General Manager 85, 89

Traffic -

Train Loads (see "Locomotive loads")

Trains -

Trams (see "Trains")

Tramway Act 1882 19

Tramway Board 23, 24, 47, 91

Tramway Staff (see "Geraldton Tramway Staff", 'Innisfail Tramway Staff" and "Staff Queensland Railways")

Tramways -

Transhipping 49, 53, 58

Trollies 37

Turntable 85

Upper Daradgee 42

Valve gear 71,78, 80

Vans -

Wagon classes -

Wagons -

Wangan 31, 42, 61, 111

Warrubullen 41

Waterside Workers 49, 51

Weed Spray unit 108

Weighbridge Loop 31, 43, 61, 94

Westinghouse Brakes 96

Wharf Labourers 49, 51

Wharf Superintendent 92, 94

White Australia policy 14, 19

Wagon shop 59

Working Expenses 24, 105

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